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Magical Herbs: Lavender

lavender product magic

Magical Herbs: Lavender

Lavender is easily one of the most magical herbs known to humans. It has been used extensively due to its powerful but soothing smell, its health benefits, and its broad use in cosmetics and perfumery. But lavender was also used for centuries in magic rituals. People were mesmerised by the beauty of its purple flowers and healing properties, so they did believe that it has some powerful magical potential. Lavender has been used for protection against evil, cleansing houses, attracting love, and preserving beauty and youth.

Lavender for protection

Magical Herbs: Lavender
Magical Herbs: Lavender

Mentioning lavender flowers as being good for protection against evil dates back to the Bible. According to the legend, Adam and Eve, after being exiled from the Garden of Eden, took a lavender flower with them. It was said that they did so because the flower could be used for protection against evil. Another interesting fact is that according to the Bible, lavender flowers didn’t have their notoriously strong smell until Eve placed her clothes on them to dry.

During the Middle Ages, lavender was considered the sacral plant and was mainly grown in church gardens. It was said to have the power to scare away the devil, witches, and evil spirits. So lavender flowers became part of a handshake between priests. It was very common to hang dried lavender upon the entrance to the house for protection, and it was also common to burn dried lavender inside the house for cleansing the living space. And for keeping evil spirits away while outside, lavender flowers were used to be put in a small sachet and carried around in the pocket or as a necklace as a good luck charm.

Native Americans also consider lavender to be one of the sacred plants.  Shamans use lavender smoke to clean and protect houses from evil spirits and misfortunes.

Lavender in love magic

Magical Herbs: Lavender
Crystals and Lavender

But protection is not the only magical power of lavender. With its soothing and dreamy smell, it is only natural that it gained huge popularity in love magic. It has been used in Wicca magic for centuries to attract love, protect love, and preserve beauty and youth. People would rub lavender on their skin, wear a little sachet on them, or put it under their pillows before going to bed to make their love wishes come true.

In the XIV century, there was even a perfume based on lavender and rosemary that was called “Hungarian water”. It was very popular as it was believed to preserve youth, enhance natural beauty, and attract love energy.

 Modern magic

Magical Herbs: Lavender
lavender flowers

All in all, it can safely be said that lavender benefits sprout beyond its cosmetic and health benefits. There are certainly some strong magical powers of soothing and comfort. The good thing is that now you don’t have to burn lavender flowers in the house or hide a little pouch under the pillow. Just simply use a pillow spray and/or a couple of drops of lavender oil in a diffuser to experience a little serenity and body and mind relaxation.

And whether you believe in magic or have a more scientific approach to things, lavender-based products can satisfy your needs. So why not bring some lavender magic into your life?

In conclusion, lavender is not only a beautiful and fragrant herb but also has a rich history of use in magic rituals. It has been used for protection against evil, love magic, and preserving beauty and youth. From the Middle Ages to modern times, lavender has been recognized for its soothing and comforting properties. Whether you choose to believe in its magical powers or not, incorporating lavender-based products into your life can provide a sense of calm and relaxation. So, let the magical power of lavender enchant your senses and enhance your well-being.

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